Thursday, August 26, 2010


14 hour day. not fun. and right smack in the middle of this long day? a $200 bill for anesthesia from the endoscopy i had two weeks ago.  but not a bill.  they charged me already. the anesthesiologist is a freelancer who comes in my doctor's office to do procedures twice a week. anyway, after a near meltdown, i called my mom.  she felt bad and is sending some $$ to cover the bill so i can pay my rent/bills.  i can't wait for the day when i can send presents and stuff to my parents so i can repay them for all the help they've given me over the years.

anyway.  i'm getting better.  i've been browsing/shopping online so much less at work.  i think the less i do it, the easier it will get.  i did however, cheat a little.  i went to the gap after work (30% off, come on!) and bought a few tshirts.  they were on sale and then 30% off of that.  one's going back b/c i don't love it.  at least i didn't buy jeans or something expensive!  and i paid cash!  so there are so pluses.  still need to cut back.  but a few clean tshirts for work are never bad, right? i need to swing by old navy this weekend when i go to target (again, 30% off at old navy) and pick up some tank tops.  mine are gross and nubby from wearing them all summer.

anyway, hoping tomorrow is an ok day at work and not so long.  already worked 46 hours this week and i'm not even on day 5 yet.  tomorrow night when i get home from work, wine will be poured..

1 comment:

  1. Wine should be poured and enjoyed! That is a lot of hours! Sounds like some good deals you got, but don't think you have to buy just because it is on sale! Have you ever shopped at a consignment store? I have a friend who buys name brand stuff all the time at consignment for $4 and $8! She got a Donna Karan dress with the tags on it for $25!!!! Bet you could find some cool places in New York!

    You will repay your parents one day with money, but Annie, they are repaid everyday with the love you have for them and the way that you carry yourself and all the accomplishments that you have done. They love you no matter what. Don't forget that!
